RCEDA 8.5x11 Report d3

Partner Collaboration The following section provides a list of some of the collaborative efforts of the America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) Partners that have been developed to promote and support the AJCC. Collaborative efforts of the AJCCPartners have included but not been limited to: • AJCC Partners have been active attendees in the Local and Regional Workforce Board meetings and have provided input regarding Board topical discussion • AJCC Partners have conducted presentations of their programs, services and current projects at Local and Regional Workforce Development Board meetings • AJCC Partners have leveraged AJCC resources by including co-enrollments components in various grants applications processes • EDDReemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) and Personalized Job Search Assistance (PSJA) workshops includeWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) information sessions as a method to promote that AJCC services and its partners its’ attendees • Partner students (AEP and CTE) have been referred to and enrolled into WIOA career services/education training while enrolling in AEP/CTE course work. • AJCC staff partners have providedWIOA presentations in adult education provider consortia conferences to promote AJCC services • AJCC Partner has provided an AJCC/WIOA presentation at a Learn4Life Student Career and Education Job Fair • Co-located Partners have actively participated at the Joint IntegrationManagement (JIMM) meetings which have resulted in: • Creation of Business Engagement Team that will coordinate activities of AJCC partners for local business outreach • Seamless Partner Staff integration into the Riverside Career Resource Area • Created an AJCC flyer template which creates a consistent image and trademark for the AJCC to businesses and local communities by including Partner logos and standard layout/format for recruiting events and job openings • AJCC Partners have continued AJCC support • AJCC Weekly Update – AJCC Partners provide flyers/notices for upcoming recruiting events, training opportunities and available job postings. These items are included in the AJCCWeekly Update which is shared electronically with all AJCC Partners and their clients via Constant Contact • AJCCTV scrollingmessage - Each of the AJCCs have a TV scrollingmessage that provides a listing of upcoming hiring events, job postings, labor market information and training opportunities. All job seekers are able to view the TV message and obtain hard copies of the notifications in the Career Resource Area. AJCC Partners regularly submit content for Weekly Update and the TV scrolling messaging system • AJCC Partners program brochures and pamphlets services and promotional flyers in the Career Resource Areas. Additional collaborative efforts will include the finalization of a ‘warm hand off’ referral process that will enhance the referral process among the AJCC Partners. This process will entail a proactive and engaged referral process among the AJCC partners. Due to new policy mandates, additional partners will be identified who have a proven record in providing and supporting the new target populations in order to enhance their employment success.

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