RCEDA 8.5x11 Report d3
Employment Development Department (EDD)Workforce Service (Wagner-Peyser Act-WIOATitle III) Below are brief description of the EDD services and programs: EDD- Unemployment Insurance Branch The Unemployment Insurance (UI) program pays benefits to workers who have lost their jobs and meet the program’s eligibility requirements. • Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) and Personal Job Search Assistance (PJSA) workshops are requirements for job seekers to received UI. The purpose of the PJSA appointment is to offer UI claimants job search services, labor market information and to assist themwith entering résumés in CalJOBS SM .
EDD-Workers Adjustment RetrainingNotification (WARN) Act Issued by EDDwhich requires specific employers to give affected employees at least 60 days written advance notice of any plant closing or mass layoff EDD-Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) TAA assists workers who have lost their job or have reduced hours due to increased imports and foreign competition. This federally funded programoffers a full range of employment services including training, job search allowances and relocation allowances to help eligible individuals return to work.
EDD- Veterans Services Veterans receive services to help them transition frommilitary life to civilian life. EDD-Veterans Services provides career and employment services which range fromgaining computer access for job search to one-on-one assistance with filing for Unemployment Insurance, veterans compensation and benefits, vocational rehabilitation and educational and training information. EDD dedicated staff is available to assist Veterans. All Veterans receive a Priority of Services when visiting an AJCC.
EDD - Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Program (MSFW) The MSFWprogrammandates that migrant and seasonal farmworkers receive employment and career services equivalent to those provided to people who were not farmworkers. Job postings can be farm or non-farm related. Additional provisions of the MSFW program are: • Provide all services, benefits and protections, including counseling, testing, training and job referral services • Employers must comply with Federal and State laws regarding vehicle registration, wages, hours and working conditions • Refer violations to appropriate enforcement agencies • Create active outreach efforts • Establish State monitoring system for compliance to new mandates DPSS- Department of Public Social Services- Self Sufficiency Division Mission -The Riverside County Department of Social Service (DPSS) is dedicated to supporting and improving the health, safety and well-being of individuals and families. To this end, the following programs strive to accomplish this: • Medi-Cal - No cost or low-cost public health insurance program that provides needed health care services for low-income individuals and families in California. • CalWorks - CaliforniaWork Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (CalWORKS) programprovides temporary cash assistance to eligible families with low or no income. Childcare and Employment Services are elements of this program. • CalFresh - Provides low-income families and individuals assistance in meeting nutritional needs with the ability purchase most foods at grocery stores and many markets. • General Relief – A cash loan program for adults (age 18 and above) without minor children who are poor and/or homeless.
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