Fourth District Update_Jan2020

of a home. The amount of assistance available depends upon the buyer’s qualifications and the price of the home. In general, a buyer may only receive what they need, up to 20% of the purchase price of the home.  As of December 16, 2019, a total of 4 FTHB applications have been received since the beginning of the fiscal year, allocating a total funds of $190,700.00. All 4 applications have closed or are scheduled to close this month.

Housing Authority Homeless Programs:

 ESG Housing First Program o Monthly rental, utility, security & utility deposit, and emergency assistance provided: $3K o # of households assisted: 2  HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program o Monthly rental assistance provided: $55K o # of households assisted:107  Security Deposit Assistance Program o Monthly security deposit assistance provided: $7K o # of households assisted: 6  CDBG Homeless Prevention Program o Monthly security deposit assistance provided: $2K o # of households assisted: 1  HUD VASH Tenant Based Vouchers o Monthly rental assistance provided: $231K o # of Households assisted: 355  HUD VASH Project Based Vouchers o Monthly rental assistance provided: $61K o # of Households assisted: 89  Shelter Plus Care o Monthly rental assistance provided: $72K o # of households assisted: 95  CalWORKs Housing Support Program o Monthly rental, utility, security & utility deposit, storage assistance provided: $143K o # of households assisted: 142

Total monthly assistance provided: $574K Total # of households assisted: 797

Affordable Housing Production FY 2019/2020 Completed Units: 68

Under Construction: 84 Pre-Development: 990

Desert Rose, Community of Ripley (Developer – Housing Authority):  76 unit multi-family housing for low income families  Property Management Company has been on site since August 2019.

 On 8/16/19, the Board of Commissioners approved placing 41 Project Based Vouchers for the project. The vouchers will provide an avenue for the project to generate sufficient revenue to support required maintenance and services, allowing the project to become autonomous. Staff is processing eligibility applications to place the vouchers on the units.  Four units have been rehabilitated to date, the remaining 24 units will be rehabilitated once the project is stabilized. El Cajon Apartments, Desert Hot Springs (Developer - Riverside Housing Development Corporation):  3 unit multi-family housing for low income families  Board approved HOME Loan agreement for $288,373.00 (Community Housing Development Organization set-aside) on March 20, 2018.

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