Fourth District Update_Jan2020


General Updates

 EDA is hosting two Opportunity Zone events on January 21, 2020 with speakers from Kosmont and Associates and Blake Christian, a Certified Public Accountant. Both firms have expertise in Opportunity Zone matters. The event is designed to provide updates on the final regulations which were issued at the end of December 2019, describe potential investment deal structures, and how communities can take advantage of this tool to further economic development. o Western County Event – Corona City Hall, 8:00am o Eastern County Event – Fantasy Spring Resort – 2:00pm 12 counseling sessions with small business clients were held during reporting period in the CV Business Center:  Lorena Molina, healthy gift baskets, meals, and snacks - Startup; requested services - Funding, management, marketing, and start up assistance.  Scott Palermo, The Alturas Group, LLC, a Real Estate sales company; requested services - Access to capital to restructure high interest business debt.  Janice Beaudette, JB Telco Services - Existing technology consulting firm; assistance requested; business plan, market research, and marketing strategy.  Justin Post, Alt9Design, an existing graphic design business; requested services - Expansion assistance to include marketing and sales plan.  Bryan Brown, Start-Up RV detailing business - Requested services; fictitious business name, licensing, business banking, marketing, and financing.  Chad Shillady, Start up 3D video presentations of high end real estate listing / selling realtors; requested services - Start up assistance, funding for more equipment, management, and marketing.  Mark D. Brady Photography, existing custom; requested services - Pricing strategy, online marketing, and sales.  Evanne Lewis, Mattey’s Mutts, existing custom made small dog vests; services requested; sales and marketing, pricing models, and strategy.  Bryan Brown, Retail cosmetic Startup business - Requested services - Permitting, licensing, budgeting, fictitious business name, insurance, and taxing information.  Michelle Murrieta, Start-up cosmetology and barbering training academy; services requested; business operations structure, partnership agreement, permitting, and licensing.  Paul Kurdian, The Inn at Palm Springs, an existing 100 room hotel; requested services - Access to capital, financial projections, and operations efficiency.  Nikki Robles, Start up luxury concierge and experience business; requested services - Permitting, business license, business ownership model, Employer Identification Number, and business banking. Coachella Valley Business Center

Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center (CVSBDC)

 CVSBDC attended Network Lead Center Strategic Retreat in Lake Arrowhead from December 9 - 11, 2019. The retreat focused on Lead Center’s initiatives to expand branding awareness, workforce, and funding expansion.

Coachella Valley Economic Development

 Discussed with Michael Wilson of Maddafer about attending and presenting at the next City Launch program in San Diego in February. Plans include presenting a City Launch program in the Eastern Coachella Valley by 2021. (EVC/EDA)

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