Fourth District Update_Jan2020

STATE GRANTS (Cap and Trade, Prop 68, CSIP)


 Downtown Coachella Net Zero o A 105 unit affordable housing project in the City of Coachella. o $ 14,895,407 o $8,395,407 is for the production of affordable housing and $6,470,000 is for transit oriented infrastructure improvements. o TCC AHSC Planning Grant - Coachella o $170,000 (Note this is a 2016-17 award)

Still Pending

Mecca Sports Complex – 4 th District, Prop 68 grant application for 2019  Submitted and waiting for award notification from the State.  State is scheduled to announce grant awards prior to March 1, 2020.

Will Apply For

Thermal Park – 4 th District, Prop 68 grant application for 2020  Scope is TBD  Grant application is on hold waiting for the State to determine the rules and issue the Call for Projects.

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