Fourth District Update_Jan2020
STATE GRANTS (Cap and Trade, Prop 68, CSIP)
Downtown Coachella Net Zero o A 105 unit affordable housing project in the City of Coachella. o $ 14,895,407 o $8,395,407 is for the production of affordable housing and $6,470,000 is for transit oriented infrastructure improvements. o TCC AHSC Planning Grant - Coachella o $170,000 (Note this is a 2016-17 award)
Still Pending
Mecca Sports Complex – 4 th District, Prop 68 grant application for 2019 Submitted and waiting for award notification from the State. State is scheduled to announce grant awards prior to March 1, 2020.
Will Apply For
Thermal Park – 4 th District, Prop 68 grant application for 2020 Scope is TBD Grant application is on hold waiting for the State to determine the rules and issue the Call for Projects.
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