Riverside County Innovation Month Brochure

Innovation Centers Innovation Centers have nourished Riverside County’s vibrant startup and tech ecosystem, contributing to the success of these highlighted startups. Riverside County is home to both private and public incubators and accelerator programs

ExCITE Powered by UCR EPIC

Southern California Energy Innovation Network (SCEIN) Powered by UCR EPIC cleantechsandiego.org/scein Doug Kollmyer

SBIR/STTR Resource Center sbir.ucr.edu/ misty.madero@ucr.edu (951) 827-2210

exciteriverside.org Jennifer Yturralde jenyt@ucr.edu (951) 827-7947

Cleantech SCEIN (951) 323-6683 doug.kollmyer@ucr.edu

that support innovative growth by providing technical experts, equipment and office space.

Palm Springs Innovation Hub (iHub) cvep.com/palm-springs-ihub and-accelerator-campus/ Laura James Vice President of Innovation

TVE2 - Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange tve2.org

Mind and Mill www.mindandmill.com info@mindandmill.com (951) 384-1881

Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Eagle MakerSpace Dr. Hal Edghill

info@tve2.org (951) 506-5180

laura@cvep.om (760) 340-1575

Educator at MSJC hedghill@msjc.edu (951) 639-5355

Murrieta Innovation Center innovatemurrieta.org Heather Estrada Communications & Program

Inland Empire Tech Bridge www.secnav.navy.mil/agility/ Pages/tb_inlandempire.aspx

Innovation Lab - City of Riverside www.riversideca.gov/it/innovation-lab (951) 826-5734

Murrieta Genomics Incubator www.murrietagenomics.com/ jgoth@murrietagenomics.com (951) 344-4489

Development Director hestrada@mwcoc.org (951) 677.7916 x3


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