Riverside County Innovation Month Brochure

Capital Assistance & Entrepreneur Programs Š Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Eagle Makerspace Š Murrieta Genomics Incubator/Murrieta Innovation Center

Š Palm Springs Innovation Hub (IHUB) Š Innovation Lab (City of Riverside) Š TVE2 (Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange) Š Inland Empire Tech Bridge Š Epic INNOVAR Entrepreneurial Education (UCR) Š UCR Epic SBIR/STTR Resource Center Š Epic Blackstone Launchpad Š UC Riverside The Creat’r Lab Makerspace Š UCR Highlander Venture Fund

Š UCR Technical Assistance Program for COVID affected Small Businesses Š Southern California Energy Innovation Network (SCEIN) powered by UCR EPIC Š Riverside Angel Summit powered by UCR EPIC Š ExCITE Riverside Accelerator & Incubator powered by UCR EPIC Š UC Riverside Life Science Incubator Š Tech Coast Angels (TCA)

SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION Discover more about these programs by scanning the QR code. You will be redirected to the Riverside Innovation’s mobile and easy to use website.

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