Riverside County Innovation Month Brochure

CE-CERT is a collaborative research center focused on air quality, transportation, and energy.

CE-CERT is addressing this issue by accelerating the transition to renewable energy through technologies that create energy from waste, capitalize on the sustainable energy sources that exist in nature, and explore methods to store, allocate, and integrate renewable energy with existing infrastructure.

Over the past 5 years, UC Riverside has played a central role in the validation of portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS) for use in EPA’s in-use testing program of heavy-duty vehicles through the Measurement Allowance Program. UCR participated in the in-use testing and validation portion of this program utilizing UC Riverside’s Mobile Emissions Laboratory (MEL). The MEL is a full dilution system equipped in a 53’ trailer that is 1065 compliant and was cross correlated twice with Southwest Research Institute as part of the Measurement Allowance program. The in-use evaluations and validation played a critical role in developing the Measurement

Allowance values for both gas-phase and Particulate Matter (PM) PEMS. UC Riverside has also been a leading research institute in the characterization of in-use emissions using PEMS and the MEL. This has included measurements of light-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, construction equipment, ships, port support equipment, trains, and even jet aircraft. As part of these studies, UC Riverside has constructed some of the most comprehensive PEMs systems. This includes a PEMS system based around the AVL’s microsoot sensor (MSS) with either an AVL or Sensor Inc. gas-phase PEMS. The AVL MSS was the best performing instrument for in

use PM measurements in EPAs Measurement Allowance program. UCR has utilized this system installed on construction equipment as part of programs for CARB and Caltrans, as well as for on-road truck testing as part of the Measurement Allowance and other programs. UC Riverside has a separate PEMS system based on a Horiba PG350 portable multi-gas analyzer for steady state measurements in compliance with ISO 8178. This PEMS system has been utilized for testing on ships, of generators, and port support equipment. UC Riverside has developed protocols for technology verifications of emission control technologies for such applications as generators, marine vessels, and rubber tire gantry cranes.

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