How to Start a Business in Unincorporated Riverside County

FINDING A BUSINESS LOCATION Find and Research a Location The location of your business is vital to your success. You can search for a site using our site search tool: RivCo Site Tools . Our Business Assistance NOW team can also assist you with finding a location. Consultations can be requested by going on the Business Assistance NOW Program webpage and submitting a request form. One of our team members The purpose of zoning is to separate different land uses. The development standards found within Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 try to ensure that private development takes place within a given area in which: (1) All uses are compatible, (2) Common development standards are used, and (3) Each development does not unreasonably place a burden upon its neighbors. How do I find out what my property is zoned? To determine what the zoning designation is for a piece of property, obtain the 9-digit Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN). It is important to determine whether will contact you within 48 business hours. Is Your Use Compatible With Current Zoning? What is zoning?

your proposed business use is allowable on a particular parcel before you commit to any long-term lease or property purchase. With the parcel number, there are a variety of options for you to obtain your zoning. These include: (1) Use Map My County (works best with Microsoft Edge), on the Navigation Menu select “Search” (2) Call or visit any of the TLMA Permit Assistance Centers in Riverside or Palm Desert:

Riverside Permit Assistance Center County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92502 (951) 955-1800 Desert Permit Assistance Center 77588 El Duna Ct., Suite H Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 863-8271

(3) You can also utilize our Business Assistance NOW team Business Assistance NOW Program to act as your liaison. Where are the Nearest Utilities? It is highly advisable that you verify availability and feasibility of bringing in utilities to the site prior to purchasing or signing a lease. The broker or developer for the project should be able to provide


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