Second District Update_Jan 2020
Jurupa Valley Veterans project, City of Jurupa (Developer – Habitat for Humanity): The Housing Authority conveyed former RDA housing land to Developer and in exchange Habitat has agreed to build 26 single family Homes for low income Veterans who qualify as first time homebuyers. The Jurupa Community Service District (JCSD) initially denied a variance waiver to serve one additional home above the 25 home limitation on one water line. Habitat obtained approval of the variance waiver from JCSD in October and is working with City Planning to resubmit plans and go to Planning Commission in January with construction commencing thereafter. Mission Gateway Villas, Jurupa Valley (Developer – Northtown Housing Development Corporation): Developer proposes a mixed-use affordable housing development with a commercial component on the former Cottonwood Mobile Home Park site located on the corner of Mission Blvd and Crestmore Road, which is currently owned by the Housing Authority. Developer purchased the adjacent lot in December 2017. Developer is working with City of Jurupa Valley Planning for entitlements and approval of an Environmental Impact Record. Developer is finalizing responses to comments and anticipates going to Planning Commission in February 2020 subsequent to realignment of lot lines for the entrance roadway between the commercial and residential lots. Developer intends to apply for State Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Program (VHHP) funding January 2020, gap financing from the County, and 20 Project Based Vouchers from the Housing Authority. Depending on City approvals, Developer seeks to apply for 1st round 9% low income housing tax credits in 2020. If awarded tax credits the project would start construction 1 st Quarter 2021. Housing Authority Subsidy Assistance and Report (November 2019) – 2nd District totals: Section 8 Program – 1,329 families were assisted in the month of November; $1,000,779 was expended in Housing Assistance Payments. Affordable Apartment Units: 42 Units (consisting of 3 apartment communities – a 29-unit community, a 4-unit community and a 9-unit community – all in the City of Jurupa Valley).
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