Second District Update_Feb 2020
# of households assisted: 95
• CalWORKs Housing Support Program o
Monthly rental, utility, security & utility deposit, storage assistance provided: $124K o # of households assisted: 136 • HOME Security Deposit Assistance Program o Monthly security deposit assistance provided: $4K o # of households assisted: 3
Total monthly assistance provided: $562K Total # of households assisted: 798
Senior Home Rehabilitation Grant Program:
• The Senior Home Rehabilitation Grant Program is a grant of up to $25,000.00 to assist qualified very low-income seniors or disabled homeowners with correcting health and safety hazards in their homes to improve their quality of life and safety. A total of $ 572,499.00 has been drawn down, $308,000.00 has been obligated, leaving a balance of $119,501.00. The County has successfully assisted 20 seniors rehabilitate their homes through this program. District 2 • 6 completed; Jurupa Valley, Mira Loma, Corona
Affordable Housing Production FY 2019/2020 Pre-Development: 194
Camino Real Housing Project, Jurupa Valley (Developer – Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation / Riverside Community Housing Corporation): • An ENA was approved by the Board 12/4/2018. The developer is proposing affordable housing on approximately 15.5 acres of land owned by the former RDA of the County of Riverside. The property located along Camino Real Avenue, between Lakeside Drive and Limonite Avenue, in the City of Jurupa Valley. Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 185-470-002, 185-470-001, 185-460-001 • The Developer and County staff met with the City to discuss the possibility of using SB35 to develop the project By-Right. The City recommended changes to the proposed project and the developer is working on requested changes. By using SB35 it will allow for an expedited entitlement process and allow the developer to apply for funding expected from the state 2 nd quarter 2020. Jurupa Valley Veterans project, City of Jurupa (Developer – Habitat for Humanity) • The Housing Authority conveyed former RDA housing land to Developer and in exchange Habitat has agreed to build 26 single family Homes for low income Veterans who qualify as first time homebuyers. • The Jurupa Community Service District (JCSD) initially denied a variance waiver to serve one additional home above the 25 home limitation on one water line. Habitat obtained approval of the variance waiver from JCSD in October and is working with City Planning to resubmit plans and go to Planning Commission in February with construction commencing thereafter. Mission Gateway Villas, Jurupa Valley (Developer – Northtown Housing Development Corporation): • Developer proposes a mixed-use affordable housing development with a commercial component on the former Cottonwood Mobile Home Park site located on the corner of Mission Blvd and Crestmore Road, which is currently owned by the Housing Authority. Developer purchased the adjacent lot in December 2017. • Developer is working with City of Jurupa Valley Planning for entitlements and approval of an Environmental Impact Record. Developer is finalizing responses to comments and anticipates going to Planning Commission in February 2020 subsequent to negotiations of the realignment of lot lines for the entrance roadway between the commercial and residential lots.
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