RCEDA 8.5x11 Report d3
CDBG and ESG Community Development and Homelessness Assistance Grants
The County receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG funds are allocated between the County (Supervisorial Districts) and the fourteen (14) cities that participate in our Urban County CDBG program. The Districts and the Cities award CDBG funds to County and City departments, non-profit organizations, and special districts to carry out a wide variety of community development activities including public services, housing rehabilitation, public facilities and infrastructure, and economic development. ESG funds are allocated in consultation with the Continuum of Care (CoC), to activities that address issues around homelessness throughout the County including emergency shelters, transitional housing, outreach, and rapid rehousing. The County was awarded $8,000,125 in CDBG funds and $655,174
of ESG (plus a one-time supplemental allocation of $340,508) for the 2017-2018 program year. In the same program year, $8,303,078 in CDBG funds and $548,265 in ESG funds were expended. Over 190,000 people benefited from the CDBG program, and over 3,600 were assisted through the ESG. The Grant Unit administers U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded grant programs including the Community Development Block Grant ICDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. In fiscal year 2017-2018, EDA and its subrecipients expended approximately $8.2 million in HUD Community Planning and Development (CPD) funding benefiting low and very low income people in Riverside County. CDBG funding was allocated to 13 cooperating cities, plus one metro city (City of Lake Elsinore), and County of Riverside supervisorial districts, to fund public facility and public service projects.
CDBG Program Total Allocations include: $2,223,730 - County’s Five Supervisorial Districts
14 Cooperating Cities - $2,964,673 $468,408 - Metro City (Lake Elsinore) Non-Profit Organizations - $1,299,185 FY 17-18 Allocations Combined: $6,955,996
3,470 low-income individuals received shelter and outreach services through the ESG program. 132 low-income individuals’ received rapid re-housing and homeless prevention services through the ESG Program.
Estimated ESG Program Benefit Achievements include:
Estimated CDBG Program Benefit Achievements include:
190,926 low- moderate-income individuals and businesses benefitted from services funded through the CDBG program. 175 low- moderate-income individuals received shelter and outreach services through the CDBG program. 176,648 lowmoderate-income individuals benefited from new or improved access to CDBG-funded infrastructure and public facility improvements including streets, sidewalks, parks, and neighborhood, senior, handicapped and childcare center facilities.
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