How to Start a Business in Unincorporated RivCo v6
OBTAIN BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS What if I want to establish a business? Does the County of Riverside issue business licenses? The County of Riverside does not issue a business license. However, brick and mortar businesses and some home-based businesses in an unincorporated area of the county must register for the Stormwater Compliance Program. What land use permits are required? The zoning classification on the site where the business will be established will determine the type of land use approval which will be required. Please check with Planning Department Staff to determine your zone and the requirements for your business proposal. PLANNING PERMITS The Riverside County Planning Department https:// provides timely, responsive, and helpful service to all members of the public and promotes innovative development that effectively accommodates a balance of housing, employment, and service opportunities. Planning applications may be submitted online through PLUS Online: . Please Prior to submitting an application for a development permit, the customer can submit for a Pre-Application Review (PAR). The customer would provide a general overview of the project, with a Site Plan / Land Use Plan, and any supplemental information. The Planning team will review and share with other county departments, such as Building and Safety and Fire. All departments would then meet with the customer and provide feedback on any requirements they have in order to move the project forward. Knowing if the project may or may not be approved in advance saves the customer money in the event the application would definitely be denied.. For more information and to register, visit: see instructions for submitting online: Pre-Application Review (PAR)
BUILDING & SAFETY PERMITS The Riverside County Department of Building and Safety: provides and manages plans review, permit issuance, and building inspections within the integrated Transportation and Land Management Agency activities. Certificate of Occupancy (CO) A CO is required for commercial, industrial and office buildings including individual tenant spaces. This includes new buildings and existing buildings that are being remodeled, expanded or that change the occupancy classification of the building or tenant space. This program is delivered as a service to the business community. The intent is to eliminate future hard ships by ensuring building owners and tenants are aware of County and/or State code requirements before relocating to a site. CO’s is required prior to the occupancy of a new commercial building or a change in occupancy nature or use of a building or part of a building. The Building and Safety and the Fire Department conduct a physical on-site inspection of all commercial buildings before they are occupied. This ensures that there are no hazards that will prevent the structure from being safely occupied. After receiving approval that the building is in compliance with Codes and Ordinances and fees are paid, a printed Certificate is issued. This Certificate must be permanently posted in a conspicuous place. Why do I need a Certificate of Occupancy? A CO is required as proof of compliance with building, fire and development codes adopted by the County of Riverside. How do I obtain a Certificate of Occupancy? Prior to any new construction, remodeling, or occupancy of any commercial or industrial space, the following Requirements must be met and submitted to Building and Safety. CO Requirements for all non-construction Tenant Improvement applications shall include the following 4 items: 1. Building Permit Application (Form 284-199) - 37
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