Fourth District Update_Feb 2020
Benoit Detention Center
The project replaces the outdated, 353-bed Indio Jail with a new 1,626-bed, state of the art detention and support facilities on a 6.5-acre site in Indio. The new facility will be operated by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and consists of: o Phase 1 o Housing Buildings o Support Building o Site Improvements o Expansion of Underground Tunnel System The method of delivery is Pre-qualified General Contractor using Clark Construction and Vanir as Construction Manager. The current Construction Value is $282,728,024. Phase 1: State Fire Marshall issued the Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 on Jan. 13, 2020. The project team continues with the completion of deficiencies found by BSCC and punch list for a BSCC final inspection of February 4 th or 5 th . If found to be acceptable, the building may be transitioned to the Sheriff about mid-February. Phase 2: Will commence 90 days after completion of Phase 1 and take approximately 160 days to complete. Phase 2 will include the demolition of the existing jail and the construction of the intake sally port and surface parking. Offsite street improvements associated with Benoit Detention Center and associated County projects as requested by the City of Indio. Improvements include rehabilitation of portions of Hwy 111 and Oasis, new storm water infrastructure, traffic signals, and other offsite improvements. Approved project budget is $7,000,000. Phase 1 work is complete. Notice of Completion, release of retention, and final Change Order approved by BOS on July 23, 2019. Phase 2 Hwy 111 Street Improvement Form 11 to request approval of plans and specs for bidding and award of a second amendment with Webb Associates has been drafted and is undergoing review. City of Indio has tentatively agreed to the phasing plan.
Benoit Detention Center Offsite Improvements
Blythe Jail Medical & Behavioral Health Service Expansion
Development of facility for medical and behavioral health services. On July 31, 2018 Board of Supervisors approved a project budget of $498,938. Construction documents are plan approved.
The awarded Job Order Contractor has been released for failure to perform and start work. We’ve solicited a new contractor who is to have their price proposal submitted by 1/31/20. A prompt review and scheduled start will be made to start construction. The Sheriff may undergo background checks for workers.
Roy’s Desert Springs Remodel
Conversion of existing space unto a Board and care facility with a bed capacity of 92 beds to alleviate over-crowding in the adult outpatient clinic suite. This 57,818 square foot space, which includes an expansion of 8,125 square foot, will provide behavioral health services to Coachella Valley residents who are at high risk for hospitalization, incarceration, and homelessness. Behavioral Health has selected a location in Palm Desert for the temporary relocation of the 10,000 sq. ft. office space to a separate leased facility. Revised budget of $27,172,526 and construction contracts was approved by Board of Supervisors on June 11, 2019.
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