Fourth District Update_Feb 2020
purchasing from CVWD. The County will be providing matching funds in the form of a grant from CDBG funds. Total cost to provide drinking water by CVWD for a 12 week period will be $31,688. CVWD Board approved item on December 10, 2019 to provide water service to the residents living at the Oasis Mobile Home Park. Approximately 1,200-1,400 people are living in the Oasis Mobile Home Park.
Supplemental water initiation date December 11, 2019. Hours of operation M-F 4pm - 7pm, Sat-Sun 2pm – 5pm.
Housing Authority Subsidy Assistance and Report (December 2019) – 4 th District totals: Section 8 Program – 1,700 families assisted in the month of December; $1,202,586 was expended in Housing Assistance payments. Affordable Apartment Units: 169 units (consisting of 4 apartment communities located in Thermal, Cathedral City, Mecca, Desert Hot Springs and Indio).
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