Fourth District Update_Feb 2020
# of households assisted: 95
CalWORKs Housing Support Program o
Monthly rental, utility, security & utility deposit, storage assistance provided: $124K o # of households assisted: 136 HOME Security Deposit Assistance Program o Monthly security deposit assistance provided: $4K o # of households assisted: 3
Total monthly assistance provided: $562K Total # of households assisted: 798
Senior Home Rehabilitation Grant Program:
The Senior Home Rehabilitation Grant Program is a grant of up to $25,000.00 to assist qualified very low-income seniors or disabled homeowners with correcting health and safety hazards in their homes to improve their quality of life and safety. A total of $ 572,499.00 has been drawn down, $308,000.00 has been obligated, leaving a balance of $119,501.00. The County has successfully assisted 20 seniors rehabilitate their homes through this program. District 4 2 completed; Thousand Palms, Desert Hot Springs 1 in rehab
Affordable Housing Production FY 2019/2020 Completed Units: 68
Under Construction: 84 Pre-Development: 1,086
Desert Rose, Community of Ripley (Developer – Housing Authority): 76 unit multi-family housing for low income families Property Management Company has been on site since August 2019.
On 8/16/19, the Board of Commissioners approved placing 41 Project Based Vouchers for the project. The vouchers will provide an avenue for the project to generate sufficient revenue to support required maintenance and services, allowing the project to become autonomous. Staff went out to the project on 1/22/2020 to meet with residents and process eligibility applications for the vouchers. Four units have been rehabilitated to date, the remaining 24 units will be rehabilitated once the project is stabilized. Staff will be going out to the site February 13, 2020, to meet with residents to determine what sort of services tenants would like to see made available at the project. El Cajon Apartments, Desert Hot Springs (Developer - Riverside Housing Development Corporation): 3 unit multi-family housing for low income families Board approved HOME Loan agreement for $288,373.00 (Community Housing Development Organization set-aside) on March 20, 2018. Construction completed, units are being leased up. Villa Hermosa Phase III (Fred Young), Indio, (Developer- The Coachella Valley Housing Coalition): 100 unit multi-family housing for low income farm worker families. On 6/25/19, the Board of Supervisors approved a Resolution in support of the developer’s tax credit application and request for $1,000,000 in HOME funds and $1,500,000 in former RDA funds. Developer did not receive a tax credit award, they will be resubmitting a new application for the project first quarter in 2020.
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