First District Update_Jan 2020
applications are due to the State January 8, 2020. In connection with the NPLH award 39 units will be set aside for homeless clients receiving services from the Department of Behavioral Health. If awarded NPLH funding the Housing Authority has committed to placing 39 project based vouchers for homeless and at risk clients.
Sunrise at Bogart, Riverside (Developer – NPHS): 23 unit multi-family special needs housings
The Housing Authority has been working in close partnership with the Department of Behavioral Health in trying to identify potential affordable housing projects eligible to apply for the 2 nd round of No Place Like Home (NPLH) funding from the State and this project was selected. The NPLH applications are due to the State January 8, 2020. In connection with the NPLH award 11 units will be set aside for homeless clients receiving services from the Department of Behavioral Health. If awarded NPLH funding the Housing Authority has committed to placing 11 project based vouchers for homeless and at risk clients. Housing Authority Subsidy Assistance and Report (November 2019) – 1 st District totals: Section 8 Program – 1,958 families were assisted in the month of November; $1,438,620 was expended in Housing Assistance Payments. Affordable Apartment Units: 112 units total consisting of 3 apartment communities. One community in the City of Riverside (68 units) & two communities in the City of Lake Elsinore (a 28 unit community and a 16 unit community).
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