Fifth District Update_Jan 2020

RUHS – Pavilion Connection and Security Operations Center

 Interior space within a wing of the first floor of the hospital to be converted into the new main entrance of the hospital. Project also includes converting existing office space into a security operation center for the hospital.  Approved project budget of $1,881,570.  Construction process through ezIQC. GKK construction contract approved by Board of Supervisors on February 26, 2019.  Security Operations Center drawings approved by OSHPD, permit issued, and construction commenced on June 10, 2019.  Security Operations Center was completed pending furniture arrival January 23, 2019.

Sheriff – Smith Correctional Facility (SCF) Housing Units 15, 16 & 17 Exam Rooms Renovation

 Renovation of existing exam room and medical office space by Housing Units 15-17 to add exam rooms and provide efficient delivery of healthcare services to the inmates housed within that section of the facility.  Project budget of $785,253 and construction contract with GKK approved by Board of Supervisors on April 9, 2019.  Construction continues with final plumbing and electrical being installed and waiting for doors and glazing to arrive and to be installed.  Project completion scheduled mid-January 2020.

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