EDA Winter Newsletter
Veterans Housing Fair Housing Authority
connected to other service providers such as: Lighthouse Social Services, City of Riverside Homeless Outreach Team, Behavioral Health, and U.S. Vets. We know that ending Veteran homelessness in- volves various partners throughout the communi- ty. Below are stories of two Veterans who recent- ly moved into their apartments as a result of this effort.
The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside hosted a Veteran Housing Fair on Tuesday, De- cember 22 nd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There were a total of 40+ Veterans present who were served in one way or another. The event was held at Harvest Christian Fellowship and includ- ed an opening statement from Harvest Pastor K.C. McCauley who thanked Veterans for their service. Participants also heard from a former homeless veteran who is now permanently housed through the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher program. The Housing Authority worked with the VA Loma Linda and issued HUD-VASH vouchers to 11 homeless Veterans who had not yet been connected to a housing provider. In addition, many of the veterans present were Fred Deliz, US Army Fred Deliz received an Honorable discharge af- ter serving in the U.S. Army for 9 years from 1988 to 1996. Things took a difficult turn two years ago when he lost his job and was no long- er able to maintain his housing. He later heard about programs to assist Veterans with housing through his church. Fred had been staying at a local shelter when he was connected to an Out- reach Worker in the City of Riverside who invited him to attend the Veteran Housing Fair. While at the Fair, he was connected with a Social Worker through the VA Loma Linda and was issued a HUD-VASH voucher. That very same day, the Housing Authority connected him to a local landlord who had reserved a unit for the Veter- an Housing Fair. Fred did not return to the shel- ter that night. Instead, he spent a warm evening
Did you know...? To date, the Housing Authority’s programs have housed over 1,000 homeless veterans in Riverside County!
in his very own apartment. When asked how he feels now that he has a home, he states, “I feel like I now have some purpose and direction. I mean, I feel empowered, fortunate and blessed.”
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