EDA Winter Newsletter


Maintenance The “first wave” of El Nino weather produced dozens of wind and water intrusion related issues. Staff at Ben Clark Training Center had their “hands-full”!

Historic county landmarks getting a “new-look” by downtown grounds-maintenance team. (before and after of Simon’s Building AND Chapel on 14 th St.)

“Keeping things flowing” at the Blythe jail facility – replacing worn-out drain lines. (Blythe sewer and drain line)

Partnering with County HR, Maintenance Team installs two Hydration Stations at the County Administrative Center, supporting our “Culture of Health”.

Business Intelligence

Country story map and Rivcoprospector, the online site selection GI S app l i ca t i on deve l oped by the firm GIS Planning. BI also displayed a static map in the county Map Gallery that presented Census Tracts in Riverside County wi th an educa t i ona l attainment rate that exceeds the countywide rate.

Geography Awareness Week (GeoWeek) is held on the third week of November of each year. GeoWeek is a geographic literacy (geo-literacy) initiative to increase the public’s awareness of the significance of place and was established by presidential proclamation in 1987. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools that have the potential to increase the geo-literacy of the general public. That is why the Wednesday of GeoWeek was designated as GIS Day in 1999. The County of Riverside held a GIS Day event on November 18, 2015 at the County Administrative Center in downtown Riverside. GIS users from various departments demonstrated how GIS is used in the administration and delivery of county services to the public. The event included a Map Gallery for county departments, a Map Gallery for University of California, Riverside (UCR) students, demonstrations of GIS applications and a number of workshops. Business Intelligence (BI) represented EDA at this GIS Day event.

One of the highlights of this GIS Day event was that about 100 sixth grade students from the Riverside Unified School District Patricia Beatty Elementary School attended the event and learned about GIS fundamentals. Another highlight was that 40 UCR students from the Earth Sciences Department also attended the event and had a Map Gallery contest on how to solve a problem using GIS.

Throughout the day, BI demonstrated the four California Air Resources Board story maps, the Temecula Valley Wine

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