Riverside County Office of Economic Development -Business Resource Guide

This section holds key information and resources for your new business. From the county level to the state level, we’ve compiled useful information and tools to utilize. Simply click on the links for further information. Riverside County


• Riverside County Office of Economic Development • Workforce Development Centers • RivCo Prospector-Site Selector • Planning Department • Environmental Health • Building and Safety Department • Transportation Department • Fire Department • Flood Control and Water Conservation District • Regional Parks and Open Space District • Board of Equalization • Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development • Alcoholic Beverage Control • Air Quality Management District • Franchise Tax Board • Employment Development Department • Secretary of State • Department of Industrial Relations • CalGold- Permit Assistance • Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder • International Business Office (IBO)

• Current Population Statistics • Labor Demographics

Economic Indicators

• Beige Book: Current Economic Conditions • Bureau of Economic Analysis • Consumer Price Index • FRED - Federal Reserve Economic Data (Link is External) • Major Economic Indicators • Producer Price Indexes

State of California

Employment Statistics

• Bureau of Labor Statistics Portal • Employment Projections

• Employment and Unemployment Statistics • Equal Employment Opportunity Statistics • Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey • Social Security Facts and Figures • State Labor Statistics • Wage Data • Women in the Labor Force • Income Statistics in Brief • National Compensation Survey • Real Earnings • Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) • Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers

Startup Resources

Income Statistics

• Register Your Business • Veteran Owned Business • Woman Owned Business

Understand Your Market

• Economic Indicators • Employment Statistics • Income and Earnings • BuyUSA.gov

Money & Interest Rates

• Daily Interest Rates • Money Statistics in Brief • Money Stock Measures • Production & Sales Statistics

General Business Statistics

• North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Codes) • Consumer Credit Data • Inflation and Consumer Statistics

• Quarterly Financial Reports


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