Business Resource Guide
credit. Employers will claim the credit when they file their tax return. A total of $30 million of credit is available annually. For more information, visit: file/business/credits/homeless-hiring-tax-credit/ index.html. Work Sharing at Employment Development Department (EDD) This program incentivizes keeping trained employees by minimizing or eliminating the need for layoffs if the business’s production or services have been reduced. Sharing_Program.htm California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) CPCFA operates under the State Treasurer’s Office and was established in 1972 to facilitate capital investment in line with state and federal environmental objectives. Since its inception, CPCFA has been instrumental in financing projects aimed at tackling industrial air and water pollution. • Tax Exempt Bond Financing Program • California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) • CA Investment & Innovation Program (Cal IIP) • Rate Reduction Bond Program • Industrial Development Bond Financing Program • California Recycle Underutilized Sites (CALReUSE) For more information: STATE FINANCING California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) California cities, counties, joint powers authorities, and state government (through the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank) have the authority to offer low interest financing via tax exempt industrial revenue bonds to businesses for real estate acquisition, construction of manufacturing facilities, and equipment. For more information on CIEDB, visit: .
The California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (SBLGP) The California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (SBLGP) is administered by the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (iBank) to encourage small businesses to create and retain jobs as well as to invest into low-to moderate-income communities. The Small Business Loan Guarantee program is available to small businesses throughout the state of California and serves hundreds of small businesses each year. For more information on SBLGP, visit: https:// California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) Through a form of loan portfolio insurance, the California Capital Access Program (CalCAP or Program) encourages banks and other financial institutions to make loans to small businesses that have difficulty obtaining financing. Air Resources Board (ARB) On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Air Quality Loan Program Loan insurance on a maximum of $1.5 million for the purposes of acquiring new trucks and buses, newer used trucks and buses, and retrofits. SmartWay aerodynamic technologies can be financed as well. For more information on ARB, visit: Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program The Pollution Control Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program provides California businesses with tax-exempt bond financing for the acquisition, construction, or installation of qualified pollution control, waste disposal, waste recovery facilities and the acquisition and installation of new equipment. For more information on the Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program, visit: cpcfa/bondfinancing.asp. For more information on CalCAP, visit:
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