Amazon HQ2 Proposal
State & County Incentives
Employment and Training Incentives On-the-Job Training (OJT) allows a company to train an in dividual to learn a job while actually performing the job. Both the business and candidatemust meet certain criteria to qualify. TheWorkforce Development Center will reimburse a portion of the employee wages to offset the extraordinary costs of training and loss of productivity during the training period. Riverside County is prepared to provide $400,000 per year for 10 years for Amazon for total amount of $4,000,000.
The County of Riverside is prepared to offer the Amazon HQ2 project the following incentive package valued at $12,793,635 from the following programs listed in this section. This amount is above and beyond the incentives offered by the State of California in their commitment letter. Capital Investment Incentive Program (CIIP) Under authority from the State of California local govern ments with opportunities to attract large companies to invest in their communities are authorized to offer a portion of their property tax as an incentive to stimulate economic
growth. Based on assumption of Building Phase and Esti mated Capital Investment in the Amazon RFP, a tax rate of 1% andminus first $150,000,000 of assessed value of prop erty required for full build out, the estimated CIIP Payments to Amazon would be $8,793,635 over 15 years. Approval of CIIP will be by Resolution of Riverside County Board of Supervisors, timeline for approval will be approxi mately 60 days once Amazon has indicated their preferred location in Riverside County.
County Incentives by the numbers:
+ $4,000,000 + $8,793,635 = $12,793,635
Employment & Training Incentives Capital Investment Incentive Program (CIIP) Total Incentives
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