2023 Riverside County Economic Profile
Riverside County Office of Economic Development 3403 10th Street, Suite 400, Riverside, CA 92501 bizinfo@rivco.org | (951) 955-0493 | www.rivcoed.org riverside county office of economic development
W ith rivers, mountain peaks, deserts and fertile valleys, Riverside County offers diversity that few locations can match. Over 2.4 million residents live in the County, taking advantage of nearby beaches, mountains, hiking and bike trails, the Wine Country near Temecula and resorts that offer oasis in the desert. Our mountain adventures provide enjoyment through a variety of activities such as water sports, fishing, and downhill bike riding in the fall months. There are ample opportunities for relaxation, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat. The desert oasis of Palm Springs is world renowned for its resorts and golf courses. Boasting over 100 golf courses, and the famous Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, it is the go to vacation spot for visitors from around the world and you won’t find a greater selection of world class entertainment. Events include Coachella, Stage Coach, Jazz in Pines, and the Temecula Balloon & Wine Festival. Temecula Valley Wine Country hosts over 50 wineries matched with restaurants and entertainment that is world renowned. Riverside County is home to one of the nation’s most diverse and reliable transportation networks, including highways and express lanes, public buses, commuter rail trains and active transportation options serving bicyclists and pedestrians alike. Our freeway system connects other counties to Riverside County’s businesses, entertainment, and high quality of living. Significant investments have been made on a number of key corridors including State Route 91, Interstate 215, Interstate 10 and State Route 60.
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