2022 Business Resource Guide



The options are limitless in this 7,200 square mile county that stretches from its western border adjacent to Orange County and the Colorado River at the eastern border adjacent to the Arizona border. Riverside County is the 4th most populated county in the state of California out of 58 counties and is about the size of New Jersey. 2020 estimates show that Riverside County has approximately 2,442,304 residents and that it’s one of the fastest growing counties in the U.S. with a 0.8% population growth from the previous year. (Source: State of California Department of Finance) Connected to five major freeways, Riverside County offers accessibility throughout the region. Interstate 10 traverses the entire county from east to west, connecting businesses to Los Angeles and Phoenix. Interstates 15 and 215 connect Riverside County with San Diego and San Bernardino Counties. Both Highway 60 and 91 link Riverside County to Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Highway 86, which is east of the Coachella Valley, is part of a trade corridor providing easy access to Imperial County and Mexico. Santa Fe’s huge intermodal railway terminal is an important transportation link for Riverside County businesses and important ports of entry. Shipping into and out of ports in Los Angeles, Long Beach and

San Diego is easy from Riverside County. Metrolink provides commuter rail service from Riverside County to Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino Counties. There are 12 airports within Riverside County, and the County is served by 17 ai rports. Major air hubs include Ontario International Airport, serving western Riverside County with quick and easy access, and the Palm Springs International Airport serving the eastern part of the county. The Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport also serves the Coachella Valley with easy access and the capabilities of bringing in Boeing Business Jet 737. The March Inland Port addresses the growing need for economical air cargo services.

The county is 65% more diverse than the national average for an area the size of our county. source: EMSI, 2021



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