2022 Business Resource Guide
STATE PROGRAMS California Made Program
Program (SB TAEP) provides $17 million each year through 2022-23 to expand existing small business services, such as free or low-cost one-on-one consulting and low-cost training. The program’s funding is focused on services to underserved business groups, including women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses and businesses in low wealth, rural, and disaster-impacted communities. The program allocates funding through a competitive grant process. The expansion program also provides $3 million in annual funding through 2022-23 for the Capital Infusion Program (CIP), which supports one on-one business consulting provided by the Small Business Development Center Network to assist small businesses in accessing capital. For more information, please visit: https://business. ca.gov/advantages/small-business-innovation-and entrepreneurship/programs-and-initiatives/small business-and-entrepreneurship-assistance-center funding-opportunities. Innovation & Entrepreneurship The Innovation and Entrepreneurship unit is the State’s primary point of contact for promoting California’s innovation infrastructure. It functions to develop an environment encouraging entrepreneurship, promotes long-term economic growth and facilitates job creation through innovation. It also serves to convene key stakeholders necessary to support GO-Biz activities an environment encouraging entrepreneurship, promotes long-term economic growth and facilitates job creation through innovation. It also serves to convene key stakeholders necessary to support GO-Biz activities throughout the state as well as stimulate entrepreneurship and the development of California’s innovation workforce. This unit is primarily responsible for the administration of California’s Innovation Hub (iHub) Program and the California Advanced Supply Chain Analysis and Diversification Effort (CASCADE) Cybersecurity Program. For more information, please visit: https://business. ca.gov/advantages/small-business-innovation-and entrepreneurship. STATE INCENTIVES CAEATFA Full Sales & Use Tax Exclusion: The California Alternative Energy and Advanced
CA Made is California’s labeling program for manufactured goods. The program is designed to encourage consumer product awareness and promote the purchase of products manufactured in California. To learn more about the benefits, about their partnership with California Manufacturing Technology Consulting, and how you can apply to brand your products with the CA Made label, go to: https://camade.ca.gov. Office of the Small Business Advocate The Small Business unit serves as the primary advocate and resource provider for California’s small business community. The unit has four focus areas: advocacy, information gathering and dissemination, agency coordination, and business assistance. This work includes engaging with policy makers and stakeholders, providing educational services on issues directly affecting small businesses, working in collaboration with state agencies and departments, and assisting business directly with questions about available resources. Get Digital CA! An e-commerce initiative to promote accelerators and intensive trainings to build the skills necessary to compete in an online marketplace. https://business.ca.gov/advantages/small-business innovation-and-entrepreneurship/get-digital-ca Source Diverse Source Local A public-private collaboration to strengthen inclusive procurement programs and build a resilient California based supply chain. https://business.ca.gov/advantages/small-business innovation-and-entrepreneurship/programs-and initiatives/source-diverse-source-local . Small Business Technical Assistance Expansion Program The Small Business Technical Assistance Expansion Reference: https://business.ca.gov/category/calosba.
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