2019 EDA Spring Newsletter
Community Development Block Grant
Everything Old is New Again CDBG uses Home Enhancement Program funds to beautify, improve and secure homes.
Above: A home in Riverside County boasts an updated exterior made possible by HEP funds.
The Home Enhancement Program (HEP) is designed to help income-qualified homeowners fix or repair exterior problems to their homes such as mi- nor roofing, broken/missing windows, exterior paint, etc. The grant funds can be utilized to end health and safety issues, make the home more energy-efficient, and undertake eligible exterior improvements. In the fall of 2018, our staff received a call from a resident who lives in the community of White- water, requesting assistance from the Home En- hancement Program. The resident had an extremely disintegrated roof which caused extensive damage to the interior of her home. It was then assessed that the home was also in need of other improvements and repairs, including doors, windows, garage door, exterior lighting fixtures and paint. Miraculously, the roof and other repairs were completed before the next major rainstorm hit the area. After the comple- tion of these repairs, the homeowner thanked our agency with tears of excitement, joy, and appreciation for all the work the EDA staff put into her home. The owner expressed her gratitude and was thankful for not having to endure water leaks for many future rain storms to come.
“Home Enhancement Program funds can be used to resolve health and safety hazards, improve energy efficiency and beautify home exteriors.”
Spring 2019 | 2
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