2019 EDA Spring Newsletter

Riverside County Film Commission

An Engine for the U.S. Economy: The Economic Impact in the World of Film

The film and television industry supports a dynamic U.S. cre- ative economy, employing people in every state and across a diversity of skills and trades. In all, 2.6 million people—from special effects technicians to makeup artists to writers to set builders to ticket takers and more— work in jobs supported by the industry, which pays over $177 billion in wages annually. The Riverside County Film Commission (RCFC) was created in 2015 to enhance Riverside County’s position as a premier location for film production. The RCFC supports film, television, and com- mercial productions of all sizes and budgets by providing one-stop support services including location and troubleshooting assistance, permits for filming at County-owned facilities, County unincorporat- ed areas and County properties within any of the 28 cities. RCFC provides access to resources including an extensive digital location library, property jurisdiction information, permitting parameters throughout the County as well as assistance in navigat- ing the permitting process. The RCFC also administers the County’s Film & Television Incentive Program and serves as the primary liaison between the production community and all levels of government (in- cluding city, state and federal jurisdictions). The RCFC encourages a production-friendly environment to retain/grow production jobs and economic activity statewide. It works in conjunction with more than 50 local film offices/commis- sions (Regional Film Partners) across California to resolve film-related issues and handle specific filming requests. “2.6 million people work in jobs supported by the film industry, which pays over $177 billion in wages annually.”

Still Shoot for Orchestra Kids Clothes, on Thousands Palms Canyon Road.

Michael Feifer shooting for LifeTime Movie Network at the RUHS Hospital in Moreno Valley.

Chevy Silverado shoots on location at Garner Valley

Spring 2019 | 16

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