2016-17 Annual Report

Year in Review • Earned gross admissions revenue of over $1 million and net carnival revenue of $806,142. Sponsorships came in above average at $299,574. (Fair) • Over 24 active projects in process with more than 3,847 jobs and $438 million in capital infusion. (Economic Development) • Completed the acquisition of real estate valued at over $21.2 million. Managed a lease portfolio of approximately 460 leases totaling over 4.8 million square feet of leased space. (Real Estate) • Since January 2017, new EV charging stations have been utilized 1,187 separate times and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 40.4 metric tons of CO2. (Energy Management) • Welcomed 15 delegations with a total of 193 delegates from China, Vietnam and New Zealand. (Office of Foreign Trade) • $1.45 million in facility renewal projects to enhance building systems life-cycle, address safety concerns and improve customer service. (FacilitiesManagement) • Monthly average of 3,123 job seekers accessed services and resources at the centers. Placed 531 customers into training. (Workforce Development) • Approximately $1.2 million in HOME funds were invested for the acquisition and rehabilitation of rental properties producing 7 affordable rental housing units for low-income families. $700,000 assisted the development and construction of 43 single-family homes through mutual self-help programs in Desert Hot Springs and North Shore. (Housing) • Facilitated $25 million in financing for Linfield Christian School in Temecula to refinance existing debt. (Economic Development) • 6,745 low-income individuals and seniors received meals and supportive services through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs. (Housing Authority)

​ Riverside Community Hospital Expansion project. (Economic Development) • Calavo/Renaissance Food Group, a large scale food processor purchased a facility in Riverside for food processing that created400 jobs. (EconomicDevelopment) • 5,734 low-income individuals were provided shelter and outreach services through the ESG program. (Community Development Block Grant) • UCPath, the University of California’s centralized human resources and benefits system, is operational at the March Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and is actively recruiting for 350 employees in 2017 and another 70 in 2018. (Economic Development) • 1,945 job seekers received individual career counseling, skill development and job placement services. (Workforce Development) • KTM’s North American’s headquarters began an expansion of their testing facilities in French Valley which will support their factory teams and bring visitors from around the globe to Riverside County. (Economic Development) • Responded to 173 custom research and mapping requests and the Center for Demographics was launched. (Business Intelligence) • Ampharmco USA purchased an industrial facility in the French Valley area and is manufacturing vitamin supplements creating 60 jobs. (Economic Development) • Maintained 8 million square feet of public landscaping, 6 million square feet of public park land and 5.2 million square feet of public golf course (Community & Cultural Services Division) • Hosted 1,000 student museum field trips. (Edward-Dean Museum) • Over 2.9 million items were borrowed from the Riverside County Library System collection. (Riverside County Library System)

• 481,059 individuals and businesses benefited from services funded through the CDBG and ESG programs. (Housing Authority) • 245,807 residents participated in a variety of CDBG funded educational, recreational and community programs and activities. (Housing Authority) • Managed accounting and reporting for 55 Federal and State Grants with total funding allocations of $68,759,031. (Administrative Services-Finance) • Over the past year and a half, 6.3 million kilowatt hours have been generated and greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 4,494 metric tons of CO2, thus improving the air quality in Riverside County. (Energy Division) • Successfully completed over 40,000 corrective and preventive maintenance work activities, 90 tenant improvement construction projects and approximately 46 major facility renewal, emergency and life-cycle repair projects. (Maintenance Services Division) • Supported a dozen new EB-5 projects with an expected job creation of approximately 2,000 jobs exceeding $146 million in investments. (Office of Foreign Trad e) • Prism Aerospace has purchased a facility in Riverside and will be growing to 400 employees over the next few years. EDA has been assisting Prism to locate a building, obtain financing and received $600,000 in CA Competes Tax Credits. (Economic Development) • Facilitated more the 55 special events surpassing last year by 15, including the 7th Annual Riverside County State of the County “Amplified” with 550 attendees. (Marketing) • Riverside County’s Inaugural Innovation Month brought together entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, UCR, school districts, government partners and included 63 events and a County-wide Fast Pitch Competition. (Economic Development) • Team Riverside County won two Awards of Merit for the Riverside County Layoff Aversion Program and


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