2016-17 Annual Report
Under the Community & Cultural Services Division, the Riverside County Library System (RCLS) is a network of 35 public libraries, one reference library, two bookmobiles and a city museum. The network provides services to over one million people across the County. During fiscal year 2016/17, RCLS logged over 3.6 million visitors, including more than 415,000 computer sessions and over 2.9 million items were borrowed from the collection. We issued over 42,000 library cards to new customers. We were joined by more than 13,000 volunteers donating over 45,000 dedicated hours. WHAT WE DO
Facility Updates Norco Library
opening and relocation ceremony was held on October 8, 2016. Romoland Library Romoland Library closed temporarily June 9 through July 11, 2017, while the Perris Union High School District conducted large-scale maintenance projects throughout the Heritage High School campus, including fresh paint and new flooring in the library. Grants and Scholarships Book to Action Grant - The Book to Action Grant is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered in California by the State Librarian. The El Cerrito and Home Gardens Libraries each received this grant. El Cerrito combined civic engagement activities and book giveaways on the topic of the bats to approximately 2,000 Temescal Valley residents. Various programs showed what they can do to support the bat population. A Girl Scout Troop collected soda cans from their community to fundraise for wood to build 10 bat houses and a Boy Scout Troop built bat boxes as part of an Eagle Scout Project. Bat boxes
New programs and services were added to broaden and expand services to library customers. Here are just a few of the highlights: Technology RCLS launched a new library app, which allows mobile users to check their library card status, search and request titles in the catalog, renew loan periods, search databases and see library events. The RCLS app is available for free downloading to Apple and Google devices. RCLS received 12 laptops, 4 iPad mini tablets and a mobile photography/ videography studio, including a green screen for coding and podcasting workshops, all funded by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the State Library. RCLS also received 15 laptops and 15 iPad tablets at the Thousand Palms Library, courtesy of the Berger Foundation. RCLS received two Virtual Reality Experience systems at theWoodcrest and Mead Valley libraries. RCLS expanded the printer and copier pilot project to include five more branches, bringing the total to ten. RCLS replaced public computers at six branches.
The RCLS is excited to announce that after 23 years in its 86 year old previous facility, the Norco Library has moved into its new home. The Norco Library is now located at 3240 Hamner Avenue in Norco. The new facility boasts 10,000 square feet of an increased selection of new and exciting books and materials, a community room, a meeting room, two study rooms, a children’s room, a teen corner and a new Friends of the Library Book Store. The library will continue to offer the same great services and programs as it has in its previous location: story time, family programs, public computers and Wi-Fi. RCLS is honored to dedicate the new library in the name of the late Frank Hall, a Norco dignitary and equestrian enthusiast. San Jacinto Library Third District Supervisor Chuck Washington, the City of San Jacinto and RCLS agreed that a new location, the 4,000 square foot city-owned parcel next to San Jacinto City Hall, would serve as a temporary home for the public library. The grand
3.6 million Library visitors logged.
42,000 Library cards
issued to new customers.
Grants & scholarships awarded to the RCLS. $92,000
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